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Maintaining Your New California Garden: Life-friendly Fall Pruning

  Mother Nature's Backyard in November: illustrating life-friendly fall pruning. Late fall and early winter are important prun...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Love 'Mother Nature's Backyard'? Here's your Chance to Participate.

Help maintain Mother Nature's Backyard through our Gardenista Program

Volunteer at Mother Nature’s Backyard & Gardens
Mother Nature’s Gardenistas

Overview:  Mother Nature’s Gardenistas are volunteers who help maintain Mother Nature’s Backyard gardens, blog and programs.  The gardens are located in the Gardena Willows Wetland Preserve (Gardena, CA).  For information on the gardens see: https://mother-natures-backyard.blogspot.com/

Benefits of being a Mother Nature’s Gardenista

·         Learn about California native plants, their uses and management

·         Meet/network with others interested in water-wise,  life-friendly,  sustainable gardening, and in the local ecosystem

·         Experience regular doses of Nature in a preserve and gardens (good for your health)

·         Share your knowledge and experience with others

·         Give back to the local community, while exercising your mind and body

·         Use your skills and talents, including writing, photography, the arts, teaching, fund-raising and more.


·         Interest in gardening with California native plants

·         Gardening experience (particularly with native plants) - useful, but not required

·         Commitment of at least one 3-hour block each month (weekday and weekend times available) for a period of at least 6 months

·         Willingness to learn and contribute as part of an active team

·         Curiosity about - and enthusiasm for - the natural world and for gardening


What you may do as a Gardenista: 

You will be working under the guidance of an experienced Head Gardener, who will coordinate the volunteer program.  Tasks will vary depending on the season and the skills and talents of the volunteer.  We’ll try our best to match your skills and interests with our needs.  You may be asked to: 

·         Assist with monthly gardening tasks, including: planting, watering, pruning, weeding, etc.

·         Help make decisions on future directions for the gardens & educational programs

·         Serve as a docent during times when the gardens are regularly open

·         Assist with special events like garden tours, workshops, classes

·         Teach classes and workshops in the gardens (depending on knowledge and skills)

·         Write columns for Mother Nature’s Backyard blog and/or serve as blog master

·         Help develop educational brochures and other garden teaching materials

·         Photograph the garden and garden events

·         Give outreach talks to local garden clubs and other groups


For more information: contact us at mothernaturesbackyard10@gmail.com

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