
Friday, March 9, 2012

Best California Native Plants for Wildlife - Post Your Favorites

Those of us who garden with California native plants notice an increase in wildlife visitors almost immediately.  Some plants attract butterflies, others are magnets for native pollinators and still others are filled with birds. 

We're compiling a list of the best California native plants for attracting wildlife to western Los Angeles county gardens.   Since we have less experience with cultivars, we especially need your help in identifying native plant cultivars that are 'wildlife magnets'.  But we're  interested in all recommendations on good California native habitat plants for local gardens.

Please share your experiences by posting a comment to this post.  List the species and cultivar name(s) and note the kinds of wildlife it attracts to your garden.  Feel free to list as many species/cultivars as you wish. 

We will use your feedback to update our list.  The complete list will be posted on this blog later this spring.

Thanks for your help.


  1. i'm from the bay area, but a little bit familiar w/ the plants in southern california too. i'm sure that there's quite a bit of overlap. up here, some of the best ones i've found for attracting butterflies and bees are:
    Ceanothus 'Dark Star'
    Bidens laevis - Bur Marigold
    Amorpha californica ssp napensis - Napa False Indigo

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